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Dreaming a Dream...

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Many of us have such amazing ideas, but we don’t put them into motion. I personally believe that we are all dreamers. What stops us from pursuing them? Why do we not pursue all of our dreams? The size of them is what has stopped me in the past. I would think, who am I to do…(fill in the blank)? That thinking changed as I started to focus on the small successes. Then I ran into another obstacle: I began to question my blessings. Who was I to be given these gifts from the ‘universe’. I got over that by realizing that everyone can access this ‘stuff’ if they asked for it and focused on it. The final hurdle that I ran into was the ‘realistic’ perspective. People would tell me my dreams would never work. But who determines feasibility? I began to look objectively at the source of such criticisms to determine their credibility and experience to speak about my growth edges. I learned how to catch the criticism outside of my heart and truly analyze it for the nuggets of truth and the areas that I could be developing to reach my A-game and make the dreams I’ve dreamed MY REALITY.

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